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Richards also claimed after taking their first child to be immunised, she was contacted by Sheen, and told she had 'poisoned' their daughter.ĭuring the course of her pregnancy, Richards alleged Sheen's use of prescription medication had escalated and he was taking multiple benzodiazepines and a type of opioid called Norco.

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She said he began experiencing mood swings around his gambling results, and she said he started to 'scream obscenities' at her after being set off by small things. He allegedly asked Richards to keep the Xanax a secret, saying it was considered drugs in his AA program.

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Richards claimed the problems in their marriage started on their honeymoon, when Sheen, who was in recovery and attended Alcoholics Anonymous, began gambling heavily and taking Xanax. Richards went on to claim she didn't think Sheen was capable of looking after their children without professional monitoring, because she felt he was 'unstable and irrational'.

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